A Differentiated Approach

At the core we are opportunistic investors, with a singular focus on generating attractive returns with minimal risk for our clients.

Platform Foundations

Unconstrained Opportunities

Our opportunistic and diverse investment model is driven by a firm-wide best ideas approach. This unique flexibility allows our team to identify opportunities and allocate capital swiftly across strategies and geographies, without artificial constraints.

Historical Capital Allocation Range 2008-present *

Strategy Maximum Minimum
Fundamental Equities 100% 17%
Merger Arbitrage 34% 0%
Corporate Credit 53% 7%
Structured Credit 30% 0%
Convertible and Derivative Arbitrage 34% 6%
* LMV % Nav.

Source: Sculptor Capital Management. The allocation ranges presented herein include data from January 2008 through March 31, 2024 (Note: the Structured Credit exposure only includes data since March 2008, which marks the inception of this standalone strategy). Past strategy allocations and exposures are not necessarily indicative of future allocations and exposures. Strategy allocations and exposures are measured on the first day of each month during the period. Additional details regarding our Historical Capital Allocation ranges and exposures will be provided upon request.

Rigorous Process

Our process, honed over time, drives confidence and enables us to move quickly to seize opportunity on behalf of our investors.

30 Years Of multi-strategy investing

Long-Tenured Team

Our team is multi-faceted and spans many distinct areas of expertise, geographies and skill sets. Because we have a one platform one team approach, we are able to leverage capabilities without artificial boundaries and can rapidly implement the outputs of innovative and creative thinking.

15 Years Average senior investment team tenure

Three Integrated Strategies

With our “One team” culture and flexible approach, we are able to target opportunities without artificial constraints or bias, through five primary strategies.

Corporate Credit
Employ a highly opportunistic approach to corporate credit, with investments across performing credit, dislocated securities and event-driven and distressed situations.

Structured Credit
Invest across the breadth of the structured product universe, employing legal and structural expertise to generate differentiated investment profiles.

Exploit mispricing embedded in the convertible bonds and volatility space, leveraging expertise in structuring, hedging and fundamental equity and credit underwriting to generate consistent and uncorrelated returns.

Merger Arbitrage
Pursue mispriced opportunities in announced M&A transactions as well as those resulting from a wide range of other corporate actions.

Fundamental Equities
Undertake a rigorous fundamental research process to generate investment ideas across global equity markets with medium to long-term time horizons.